Angled Glute Box

Sale price$299.00

Pickup currently unavailable at Unit 15, Menai Services Centre, 800-812 Old Illawarra Road

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  1. Glute Activation and Strengthening:

    • An angled glute box is designed to target the glute muscles effectively. By performing exercises such as step-ups, squats, or lunges on an angled surface, you can engage and activate the glutes more intensely than on a flat surface.
  2. Variety in Exercise:

    • The angled design adds variety to your workout routine. It allows you to perform exercises at different angles, providing a versatile training experience. This variety can help prevent boredom and plateaus in your fitness progress.
  3. Improved Range of Motion:

    • The angled glute box can potentially enhance your range of motion during exercises. This increased range of motion can contribute to better muscle engagement and flexibility in the hip and knee joints.
  4. Core Engagement:

    • Exercises on an angled surface often require increased stabilization, engaging not only the glutes but also the core muscles. This can lead to improved overall core strength and stability.
  5. Joint-Friendly Option:

    • Some individuals find that performing exercises on an angled surface is gentler on the joints compared to high-impact exercises on flat surfaces. This can be particularly beneficial for people with joint issues or those looking for a lower-impact training option.
  6. Balance and Proprioception:

    • Working out on an unstable surface challenges your balance and proprioception (awareness of body position). This can lead to improved coordination and stability, which are essential for various sports and activities.
  7. Targeted Glute Isolation:

    • The angled glute box may allow for targeted glute isolation exercises, helping individuals focus on specific areas of the glutes for muscle development and toning.
  8. Home Workout Convenience:

    • If the angled glute box is compact and portable, it can be a convenient addition to home workouts. This is especially relevant for individuals who prefer or need to exercise at home.

Product Description.

The Angled Glute Box is an innovative piece of equipment that can work and target so many different muscle groups.

This glute box is firm enough for box jumps and still provides so much comfort when performing exercises like barbell hip thrusters. 

The special angled design allows for correct body positioning when training. 

The upper surface is lightly grippy to reduce slipping while training. 

It comes with 6 different anchor points to attach resistance band to and also includes two stretch bands with handles. 

It is compact in design and has a handle strap on the rear for easy transportation.

Available now at Musclemania Fitness Megastore.

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